Company-Worker Relations


Includes regular, timely, and transparent worker communications; accessible and transparent worker grievance mechanisms; whistleblower channels; worker surveys and other input and feedback tools; feedback and performance management; career planning; and opportunities for capacity building and personal development.

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Worker Grievance Mechanisms

The company has established a legitimate and accessible grievance mechanism to receive complaints, grievances and other forms of feedback from company stakeholders and rights holders (anonymously if desired) with predictable and transparent processes to address such feedback. The company commits to and delivers timely and effective resolution and remediation, as needed. To ensure effectiveness of the approach, the company ensures that company stakeholders know about the mechanism, trust it, and are able to use it.

Migrant Worker Management Toolkit: A Global Framework cover

Migrant Worker Management Toolkit: A Global Framework

This flexible toolkit from BSR can help you better manage migrant worker issues across diverse business contexts. It is based on a three-step framework for developing a comprehensive migrant worker orientation program. This framework includes understanding the key issues and risks affecting employers and workers in your business context; finding a credible, independent external organisations to support the development of the orientation program; and building capacity within operations by educating workers on their rights and available grievance mechanisms. This highly practical toolkit offers relevant standards, examples, checklists, questions, and recommended actions for each step, and will be most useful to supply chain practitioners and facility managers.

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Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets

This handbook from the International Finance Corporation was created to support company engagement with stakeholder groups "external" to core operations, such as affected communities, local government authorities, and other affected parties. It is divided into two parts: key concepts and principles of stakeholder engagement, and integrating this engagement with the project cycle. In the first part is a useful section on grievance management, which highlights key insights and offers practical advice on managing and resolving dissatisfaction and disputes. This section may be of help to project managers who want to take a proactive approach to preventing grievances from arising and to effectively and equitably resolving them when they emerge.

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Grievance Mechanism Toolkit

This toolkit by the Compliance Advisory Ombudsman (CAO) can help you implement operational-level grievance mechanisms in different sectors. It aims to provide practical guidance on how companies with limited time and budgets can enable community members to raise concerns. The toolkit clearly outlines the business case for implementing grievance mechanisms; explains the purpose of grievance mechanisms and how to design and implement them effectively in your local context; and features a repository of best practice tools and techniques. This toolkit will be most useful to compliance, operations, and supply chain management teams.

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Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry

This comprehensive manual was created by Ipieca to provide step-by-step guidance for the design and implementation of operational-level grievance mechanisms, as well as the design and management of corporate-level frameworks for resolving community grievances. The manual draws upon the practical experiences of seven pilot projects created by Ipieca member companies, as well as shared learning from Ipieca members and stakeholders, and will be of particular benefit to operations managers, project managers, policy-makers, and other leaders responsible for managing relations with community partners.

Although this manual was created by and for the oil and gas industry, the manual includes an expansive array of instructions and helpful grievance mechanism tools that can be applied to a broad range of industry and operations contexts.