Resourcing the Energy Transition: Principles to Guide Critical Energy Transition Minerals Towards Equity and Justice

Resourcing the Energy Transition: Principles to Guide Critical Energy Transition Minerals Towards Equity and Justice cover

The demand for critical minerals is set to nearly triple by 2030 as the world transitions from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Yet, without proper management, the demand for critical minerals threatens to perpetuate commodity dependence, exacerbate geopolitical tensions and environmental and social challenges, and undermine efforts towards the energy transition. This guide from the Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals can help you to do your part to ensure the just and equitable management of sustainable, responsible, and reliable value chains for critical energy transition minerals. It highlights seven voluntary guiding principles for grounding the renewables transition in justice and equity, building on existing norms, commitments, and legal obligations outlined in UN texts. It also provides a number of actionable recommendations to help you embed and maintain these guiding principles across critical energy transition mineral value chains.

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