From Rights to Results: An Examination of Agreements between International Mining and Petroleum Companies and Indigenous Communities in Latin America

From Rights to Results: An Examination of Agreements between International Mining and Petroleum Companies and Indigenous Communities in Latin America cover

This guide from the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Solutions Dialogue and RESOLVE was created to support those looking to improve the way the extractive sector can respect and contribute to Indigenous rights and community development. More specifically, this guide examines the context, content, and functioning of agreements and relationships in Latin America between Indigenous communities and mining and oil and gas projects. Analysis within the guide - which was largely based on 27 in-depth interviews with practitioners and observers who provided a range of perspectives - indicates that there are many opportunities to create conditions for better agreements, as well as specific challenges and research gaps.

Although this guide was created with insights and research specific to the Latin American and extractive industry context, there is a broad array of globally applicable content that can benefit your relations and agreements with Indigenous communities.

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